Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Starting on Helmet

           Today starting on the helmet project in 3D graphics and animation class. So far so good the helmet is coming out like it is suppose to. This is a little easier than the last project the salt shaker. Should have most of it done by today and finish the rest on Thursday. Had a little trouble finding the images for the project then finally got it to work. This would have been a little easier to find if there were just a folder file to get the images from. It hasn't been to challenging so far, may get harder along the way. If so I will just figure it out any way. This project uses basic polygons and images to start it off. Then using vertexes to get the mesh in the right spot of the image. Moving borders are also used in by getting the border of the pics to match the borders of the 3D graphic animation of the helmet. Using varies tools in Maya is what is need for varies projects. Many different or same tool could be used in 20 to 30 projects. 

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